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Last Updated: 2013/8/22

The Newtown Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday,
August 20, 2013, in Meeting Room #3 at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470.

Present: Chairwoman Jean Leonard; Vice-Chairman Elana Bertram; Donald Sharpe; Joseph Humeston and Paul Fadus.

Absent: Vice-Chairman Walter Motyka ; James Gulalo; Martin Gersten, Allan Song.

Also Present: Betsy Paynter, Economic and Community Development Coordinator and Bob Rau.

Jean Leonard called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.

Public Participation:   None

Donald Sharpe motioned to approve the meeting minutes for the July 16 regular meeting. Elana Bertram seconded the motion. The minutes were passed unanimously.

EDC Chairwoman Report:

STEAP Business Assistance Grant:  Jean Leonard stated that approximately ½ of this grant has been spent.   The remainder will be used for the SH Streetscape and a branding, revitalization project for SH.  An RFP has been sent out and companies have been interviewed for the RFP.  An announcement of the chosen company will be made soon.

Member Responsibilities:  Ms. Leonard reviewed the following items and responsibilities:
  • Allan Song will resign effective September 20, 2013;
  • Betsy Paynter continues to offer small business seminars and will coordinate with other organizations to offer the best selection of seminars possible;
  • Jean Leonard and Elizabeth Stocker are working on the small business tax incentive program;
  • Walter Motyka and Donald Sharpe are following the Hawleyville sewer extension project;
  • Elana Bertram continues to work on the business incubator project;
  • Donald Sharpe noted that while there is much to do on, there is not enough money or staff to do everything.   Paul Fadus noted that there may be resources at the high school to help with the website.  
Ongoing / Old Business:

Fairfield Hills development:  Ms. Leonard noted that Elizabeth Stocker and the FHA continue to follow interest in the property, including Everwonder Children’s Museum and a couple others.  Elana Bertram asked if it would be a good idea to have a liaison to the FHA.  It was generally agreed that this would be a good idea.  

Batchelder / Watkins: Elana Bertram noted that the foreclosures were in litigation.

Taxes:  Donald Sharpe noted that some of the tax payments required of some Newtown businesses made it less advantageous to businesses to be in Newtown.  Joe Humeston also noted that this will impact the ability of Newtown to attract businesses.

Elana Bertram motioned to have the EDC support the following three projects:
1) Sidewalk Plan (Church Hill Rd / Washington / Berkshire / Wasserman Way / Main Street)
2) Streetscape project for Hawleyville Center
3) Sandy Hook Streetscape – extend sidewalks to condominiums on Church Hill
Joe Humeston seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Economic and Community Development Update:
Betsy Paynter updated on the following items:
  • Buy Local – billboards have been up, the Chamber will be carrying the Buy Local banner in the parade and banners will be hung above Queen Street and on Edmond Town Hall during the parade;
  • Business Directory -  addresses have been added to the directory;
  • Business to Business – the upcoming enewsletter will highlight local B to B relationships;
  • Business Visits – Ms. Paynter continues to visit local businesses and will also highlight some in the upcoming enewsletter.  She asked for any suggestions of businesses to visit.
  • Seminars – the Emergency Preparedness seminar was well attended.  More seminars are planned for the autumn.
Ongoing /Old Business:
Networking groups – Elana Bertram stated that there had been a networking group that met in Newtown but has since moved to Fairfield.  Ms. Bertram suggested organizing an event that would bring the networking groups together in Newtown.

SHU Business Incubator – Ms. Bertram and Ms. Stocker  recently presented the Newtown idea to the SHU students.  This next phase of study would look at possible sources of funding and space options for the incubator.

Hawleyville sewer – Mr. Sharpe noted that Director of Public Works, Fred Hurley, had told the BOS that the project would break ground mid-2014.  Mr. Sharpe also stated that available land in the area of the project should be promoted.

SHOP – Joe Humeston attended the 8/6 SHOP meeting and reported:
  • Mike Burton had read a complimentary letter regarding the SH Streetscape which is on budget.  LRM, the firm doing much of the work, may donate a bench to the area.  Discussion ensued as to other possible sources of benches for the area;
  • Discussion took place regarding a house at the corner in Sandy Hook center and any plans for the property;
  • The Forest Association will not be taking the evergreen tree down immediately;
  • The next SHOP event will be October 12 from 1-4 PM.  I-95 radio will be there;
  • Mr. Humeston reported that Mike Burton felt that the Governor’s visit to SH Center had been successful.
WSA – Joe Humeston stated that the incentive for the Tech Park expires 8/2013 and that he will read the minutes from the meeting to see if it had been extended.  Mr. Humeston  noted that there needs to be a tickler for this to be watched in the future.

Labor Day Parade – Joe Humeston will contact SHOP to see if they are marching in the parade.

’13-14 Work Program – Was tabled until the September EDC meeting.

Joe Humeston motioned to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Paul Fadus. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting ended at 8:32 PM.